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My Best Friend Sam Katz was very excited about his testimonial, so I made it its own page

By now, you may be asking yourself what am I doing, why am I here, on Billy Richman’s admittedly very strange (but unique) way to meet (or freak out) girls.  Before you undoubtedly leave this page never to think of this devishily handsome, 6 ft 2, intelligent on some days, fun on the others, stranger you have never met, ask yourself this, why not? I, your tour guide to Billy Richman, will give you all the reasons as to why exactly you should close out this page, but if you make it to the end, you may just have to owe it to yourself, and him, to give it a shot (and down the line me for my ingenious writing and creative ability).  Lets begin. Billy is not for you if you like Katz’s deli, for you must Love it. All New Yorkers brag of how they are on a first name basis with their neighborly Bodega, ok, try Katz’s deli. Any Katz’s employee will tell you, there’s no Saturday Night, without Billy Richman (and he’s never lost his ticket). Have you ever wanted to throw on a Drama, read a book, after a long day of work? Leave that at the door. Billy once got out of a speeding ticket for reciting the entirety of Kung Fu Panda to the officer. With Billy, your eyes will be opened to a new world of culture, the arts, and entertainment only the highest of scholars enjoy (animated movies generally enjoyed by 7-11 year olds). If you’re still here by now, let me give you one more warning before you make this choice. I hope you really like the mailman, because with Billy’s shopping addiction (he may secretly have a lot of debt not a joke) you better get used to the entirety of the SSENSE sale showing up on your doorstep. I’ve given you all I can in good judgement, but you are the only one who can make the choice…………….

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